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Showing posts from October, 2008


Fox News Channel, Sean Hannity, is reporting a book written by Bill Ayers called Prairie Fire, has a dedication from Bill Ayers to Sirhan Sirhan... First of all, that sure makes some conspiracy theories more interesting as to Robert Kennedy's assassination and second, the Kennedy family has fought for civil rights for *ever* and now they've backed a Black candidate who has connections to folks that honor someone who assassinated Robert Kennedy... has always seemed strange to me that Sirhan Sirhan *acted* alone, I mean it's one thing to be angry with DC and give folks a piece of your mind but quite another to do something like he did. Does make one wonder if he really did *just act alone*... I sure hope someone looks further into this.... Wow.... (Thanks, Sean, for letting us all know, what the rest of media won't report on!! News flash to Obama - we disagree with your philosophy - that doesn't mean we dislike you or won't go have a pizza with you, it j...


Guess, I missed the big Obama infomercial....other things to do... I've voted early and yep you guessed it, my vote went McCain Palin!! I'd rather HIRE MCain-Palin who will work for US, than to accept the crumbs of the wealthy DC politicians represented by Obama-Biden, in the amount of $500.00 to $1,000.00, which in today's economy buys NOTHING! We're WORTH more than a few crumbs! Remember you're either standing on the shoulders of generations who sacrificed for you or you're sacrificing for future generations! There have been no *give aways* in the history of our country!

Sharing vs Wealth Redistribution

Obama is now comparing sharing as a child or individual to wealth redistribution. Sharing regardless of who does it, although the comparison he used was really juvenile, a child sharing a peanut butter sandwich, is a process that goes to helping others on an individual basis. You decide who you want to share with as in say a charity or a church or an individual. The key word here is YOU decide who you share with. Wealth redistribution is government taking money you've earned and *sharing it* with the folks THEY choose to share it with. So now they're becoming a charity, I wonder if that's in the job description of the US government? and what about those sanctuary cities that provide illegal immigrants with health care and public school education? So now the coal miners of WV will be helping to support the illegal immigrants of CA?? Something seriously flawed with this plan!

In Defense of Joe the Plummer!!

Boy, news reports are saying the Obama campaign or staffers or someone connected to the Obama group is looking into Joe's tax records and bank accounts.... ok, now it appears reporters are checking to see if he's a dead beat dad...say what? Anyone who illegally supplies or accepts this type of info ought to be prosecuted!! How dare anyone request this type of information to not only make it public but to smear an average ordinary citizen due to election activities...where have these folk's brains gone!! Some heads better roll if this true!! And I'm not talking about just getting fired, there needs to be criminal prosecution for anyone doing that!! That's worse than these *termination packages* for CEOs on Wall Street!! and on another note: This money give away, Obama campaign is talking about, sharing the wealth. Let's see I've heard figures like $500.00 to $1, what exactly do they figure this is going to buy today? Not much!! Give us JOBS!! Dig...

McCain addresses Abramoff Issue

(Both Gov Palin and Sen McCain have been mercilessly smeared in Indian Country by Obama operatives, mainly via the web, where these issues don't hit the mainstream media - however, they both have a record of working with Indian Tribes - at least we know what they've DONE!) McCain addresses Abramoff hearings in nationwide conference call By Vincent Schilling, Today correspondent Story Published: Oct 27, 2008 VIRGINIA BEACH, Va. – Across the country, supporters of Republican presidential candidate John McCain and his vice presidential running mate, Alaska Gov. Sarah Palin, took part in McCain’s “Super Saturday” campaign event Oct. 25 in an effort to garner support for the ticket. Part of the event entailed a conference call in which supporters would be able to directly ask him questions. He mentioned that he was not afraid to address any issues regarding Native people, even if it meant challenging people within...

Woe be unto he who disagrees with Obama Staff

Obama staffers bar FL news outlets from engaging in interviews with Biden or Obama or anyone else from what I can gather! There goes free speech and the ability of the media, who disagree with Obama to gets the facts out to you... For those of you that watch only main stream media, that's basically another Obama news outlet... For those of you that watched the Palin interviews with the main stream media - well we all know how Hillary Clinton was treated! The Obama crew has literally maimed every women that has come across the scene, regardless of party affiliation - the goal is *get a Black president* in office - that will be of the most benefit to that ethnic group! Next we'll probably see a male Hispanic president before any women is EVER placed in office in this country! There is a real attitude problem in this country when it comes to women of any ethnic group! The Democratic party is not the friend of Women or Native America! Don't get me wrong - I think either party...

Vote McCain - Palin

My vote goes to McCain - Palin! The dems have been promising a Native American Voice in the White House forever and it has yet to be done! Spreading the wealth means that Obama will find a way to *tax* gaming revenues - so that he can spread the wealth to *Black* communities ... spreading the wealth does not mean help to American Indian Communities! He could very well, just stop any federal funds to those Tribes that have casinos - this is another way to place a *tax* on Native America. Government will grow larger, become more involved in your *personal* life and slow the economy even further. By taxing corporations, more of them that can will move outside the US, taking jobs with them and those that can't move or are small businesses will go belly up - because of the restrictions and additional regulations placed on them. Joe the plummer probably doesn't have a license to be a plummer because he probably can't afford the government *process* to obtain one, this same proble...

Native America - the forgotten minority!

Voting for Deeds over Promises By Tim Giago (Nanwica Kciji) © 2008 Native American Journalists Foundation, Inc. October 20, 2008 It took a lot of pushing, name calling and personal attacks to finally force me from Barack Obama's bandwagon. That's right. I will not be casting my vote for Obama and if you believe today's polls, my vote doesn't matter. But it matters to me, win or lose. A few weeks back I wrote a column that said I was "undecided." Many of Obama's supporters took this to mean that I would be voting for Senator John McCain. I did another column asking, "What is it that liberals do not understand about the word "undecided?" That opened up the floodgates. Some of the kinder words aimed at me were stupid bastard, ignorant S.O.B., not a real Indian, in the back pocket of the Republicans, and then the comments degenerated into words beginning with the let...

This is outrageous! ... Originally initiated by Wilma Mankiller in her never-ending efforts to get the UKB terminated and to dispel the Freedmen by adopting unconstitutional law, Chad Smith has ramped up the hate propoganda and hateful words to the point where thin blood Cherokees, more white than anything, will not speak about the Freedmen issue or the UKB if they are supportive, for fear of reprisal. The rest of them simply see the UKB and the Freedmen as some kind of threat to their cultural heritage they usually know nothing about and do not practice anyway. ********************** Shame, shame, shame!! I have never ever heard Chief Smith or any councilor spread or speak any hateful words or propaganda against anyone!! And for your information - the UKB to most *thin bloods* as you call us outside the 14 counties of Oklahoma have a tremendous amount of respect for the UKB and it's members as those who are traditionalists...

More garbage!

The At Large communities in Southern California were created under the guise of Culture and History, but the covert reason, was to masquerade as a "cover" for the creation of a Voter Bloc to support Chad Smith's plan get himself reelected, keep the Freedman disbanded from the Nation and to enlarge the "Citizen population" in order to increase BIA funding. Over 60% of eligible voters for Chief Smith's agenda - live outside of Cherokee Nation and are disconnected from understanding and uninformed about what is taking place half way across the United States. Interviewed citizens in Oklahoma have stated "We wish Cherokees in California weren't voting! They don't know what is going on here and what is happening to us - they are making it worse". Those of us who disagreed with their process and have resigned from the Councils and the At Large Communities, want to know > Where'd all the money go & why does the Tribal Council try to hide...

Come visit us at the Cherokee Art Market!

Come see Authentic Native American Art - Oct 11th and 12th, 2008 - admission is free - see you there!! Information and listing of Artists:

Sometimes things that just appear strange

are....I found it strange that Obama was making tours in Europe i.e. Germany, France and England on his campaign route...wellllll According to an official of the American Banker's Association today on C-Span - guess what...foreign investors in our private market are welcomed and in some cases purchase those funky home mortgages.... So, guess Obama thought his little side trip was going to help or gain support from foreign investors for failed Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac... He still by the way will not release his list of campaign donors and speculation is that some of those donors are *foreign donors*! He's selling us out folks!

Angry Tirade!

Obama accuses McCain of an angry tirade when McCain calls him on his involvement in this Economic Melt Down!! Well, I guess he's angry, there's quite a few folks out here that are angry, taxpayers are having to pay for the irresponsibility that Obama has supported over the years!! No job, no income gives you a mortgage! Pleaseeeeee! Lenders pressured to violate age old lending principals! You bet we're angry, Sen Obama!

Scandals and more scandals

The Savings and Loan ( Keating scandal) doesn't even begin to compare to the magnitude of the current Fannie Mae, Freddie Mac and Acorn scandal! You have several minority organizations that have literally pushed Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac into collapse, by forcing lenders to lend to folks who had no jobs, no income and couldn't afford the mortgages they got into!! This has been a massive fraud on our economy! No amount of *regulation* could have prevented what these organizations did to our economy! In fact good lending principals have been in place for eons - you need a job and adequate income to get a loan for a house! Acorn and La Raza have stolen the American Dream - they took Hope and dashed it to the ground! and they did it all with a wink and a nod from the Congressional Black Caucus, Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac! Hope now is nothing more than whistling in the wind!

Obama and Acorn

Obama campaign tries to downplay 'supposed' connections between their candidate and ACORN: "Barack Obama Never Organized With ACORN" (Barack Obama For President Website,, Accessed 10/4/08) Obama Directed Project Vote And Later Taught Classes For "Future Leaders Identified By ACORN And The Centers For New Horizons." "He [Obama] says he is drawn to politics, despite its superficialities, as a means to advance his real passion and calling: community organization. ... In 1992 Obama took time off to direct Project Vote, the most successful grass-roots voter- registration campaign in recent city history. Credited with helping elect Carol Moseley-Braun to the U.S. Senate, the registration drive, aimed primarily at African-Americans, added an estimated 125,000 voters to the voter rolls -- even more than were registered during Harold Washington's mayoral campaigns. 'It's a power thing,' said the br...

Must see!

Tired of mainstream media editing the news for you? See the other side of Obama in Sean Hannity's *Hannity's America* on Fox News Channel (cable) Sunday 9pm'll see how Acorn, Ayers and Wright play into Obama's politics

I don't think there will be a fix....:(

Heavy Loans from China, foreign investors in Wall Street, bailout for foreign companies, foreign companies buying U.S. companies; Federal funding to Acorn, Federal funding to La Raza, middle east oil barons waiting to buy up U.S. land...they stopped the bleeding but the writing is on the wall....

Unbelievable, just plain unbelievable

Health care reauthorization act fails Abortion amendment ‘dominated and clouded the whole debate’ By Jerry Reynolds Story Published: Oct 3, 2008 WASHINGTON – Lead organizations and lobbyists have admitted the defeat of efforts to reauthorize the Indian Health Care Improvement Act. Declaring efforts to enact the bill “shut down” in Congress, the National Indian Health Board stated on its Web site Sept. 29 that it will continue to pursue strategies for enacting the reauthorization bill during what little remains of the current 110 th Congress. But already by the evening of Sept. 26, a longtime lobbyist on Indian health issues, speaking on condition of anonymity when anything could still happen, said key congressional committee staff had put its chances of passing at slim to none. By then, as recounted by NIHB , attempts to attach the bill (H.R. 1328 in the House of Representatives) to a “continuing resolution” on the b...

Another smear on Palin from a Florida newspaper

Alaska Natives question Palin's support BY RACHEL D'ORO ANCHORAGE, Alaska (AP) _ Alaska Gov. Sarah Palin routinely notes her husband's Yup'ik Eskimo roots. But those connections haven't erased doubts about her in a community long slighted by the white settlers who flocked to Alaska and dominate its government. Since she took office in 2006, many Alaska Natives say they've felt ignored when she made appointments to her administration, sided with sporting interests over Native hunting rights and pursued a lawsuit that Natives say seeks to undermine their ancient traditions. (folks, it's well known that most media outlets both paper and TV are way left of center and support Obama and many don't even try to be objective in their reporting - many have been criticized for the way they treated Hillary, so now rather than attacking Palin as a women, they've latched on...

Remember the President doesn't act alone, and guess whose in Congress, yep the Congressional Black Caucus

(and if congress doesn't go along with him, his promises mean nothing! Don't forget how the Cherokee Nation has been Treated!) U.S. tribal leaders meet with Obama At a gathering of more than 100 Native American tribal leaders, Miko Beasley Denson, Chief of the Mississippi Band of Choctaw Indians, and Democrat presidential nominee Sen. Barack Obama discussed the federal government's role in the economic development of American tribes, Denson's office said.

Gee, if they would have waited til Monday they could have gotten it up to a Trillion

The House Republicans and Democrats voted to approve an $800 billion rescue plan designed to bring stability to the financial markets. After a tumultuous week that included House politicians voting down the first rescue bill and Senate approving an amended version of the bill, politicians did what was expected an approved the bill. The vote was approved 263 to 171.

Rep Frank and the Congressional Black Caucus

Indian Country needs to remember that the Dems, while funding and backing loans to folks who could not afford them, which lead to the collapse and take over by the Feds of Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac, are the same Dems that sat, prevented and did nothing to get the Indian Housing bill to even get to the floor of the House for a vote. Rep Frank and the rest of the Congressional Black Caucus, knew that FM and FM were not stable but continued to assure the public and the rest of congress that they were stable. Apparently, if you've not seen the O'Reilly Factor, based on a CNBC interview with Rep Frank, folks went out and bought FM and FM stock and within months both FM and FM failed and those owning stock lost all their investment! Rep Frank continues to deny they had any responsibility for such. Rep Frank is a prime example of a congressman who has a deaf ear to main street! Not to mention the Fannie Mae and Freddie Macs ties to the Acorn group, which is believed to be Obama's...

With all Due Respect to the UKB

The suit also alleges that CNO, which has operated programs under the auspices of the Indian Health Service (IHS), has denied treatment to UKB members. With all due respect to the UKB, their lawsuit is really misplaced. UKB needs to join forces with the Cherokee Nation to impress upon Congress there is a great deal lacking in Indian Health Care - I find it hard to believe and Chief Smith has denied that any Indian is refused care at the Indian Clinics - in fact some federal health care programs require the Indian Clinics to provide care for non Indians. I suspect as we can see, non Indian Freedmen without membership cards would be denied care altough some factions within the Cherokee Nation consider them Cherokee. I suspect that if there are any *persons* denied care it is because they are not members of any Federal Tribes or the funding is not there for the care. The Cherokee Nation can not provide that which Congress has not funded or which Congres...


Well, sounds as though the House is not very happy with Senate *Rescue* bill... *The House is like herding cats*, (on the Record quote, Foxnews channel) is indeed guess we wouldn't have it any other's called a democracy....:)

That *heart beat* away argument

Obama is a heart beat away from the Presidency on day one with NO EXPERIENCE; Sarah, would have SEVERAL YEARS OF EXPERIENCE as VP, if she had to take over the PRESIDENCY and for those Dem risk takers this is highly improbable So she's still going to be more experienced than Obama on day one!

Where's the Pork

Also included in the Bailout Bill! Want to know what your Senators added to the bill? Wooden arrows! Check this out: * Manufacturers of kids’ wooden arrows - $6 million. (fake Indian stuff?) * Puerto Rican and Virgin Islands rum producers - $192 million. (as they *outlaw* smoking, like they once did booze, I see more and more liquor ads...guess booze is once again in good graces - MADD - won't be happy about this) * Wool research! (hey, Columbia Sheep produce the best wool - what else needs research?) * Auto-racing tracks - $128 million. * Corporations operating in American Samoa - $33 million. (more corporate welfare are these last three) * Small- to medium-budget film and television productions - $10 million.

You GO Sarah....

You just remember you've got one itty bitty voice in Garden Grove, CA that's rootin' for you in the debate!! Some of us know potential for a DC cure when we see it ....:)

I was wondering....

Early in watching some news, I began to hear about Obama having a well orchestrated network, helping with his campaign...Ok, most candidates have these types of organizations, so why was this making the news in this odd way... Well, here it is: Freddie Mac and Fannie Mae fund, recall all those toxic mortgages, Acorn which is a Housing and community organization *facilitator* - recall Obama has *community organization* experience, apparently it was with this Acorn group in Chicago. Acorn has been around for a very very long time and has offices in almost every apparently Obama has tapped into a minority housing and voter registration organization, which is and was doing business with Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac and accused of some whooping voter fraud registration issues.

Indian Housing Bill Passes!

NAHASDA Funds Continue Last week was eventful in our defense of the Cherokee Nation. We have been defending our sovereign right to self-determination, defending our citizenship laws which removed non-Indian eligibility. We were standing up to Congresswoman Diane Watson from California and others who have tried to attach language to laws that would forbid Cherokee Nation from receiving federal funds. Our main messages about this issues has been that we are a sovereign Nation that has the right to decide citizenship laws and that any conflicts with our laws can and should be decided in a court of law, not by the federal government. The United States Senate and House of Representatives passed measures last Thursday and Saturday preserving Cherokee Nation’s federal funding for housing services (Native American Housing and Self-Determination Act reauthorization, NAHASDA). The language of the measure stipulated that Cherokee Nation would receive these funds as long as a court order allowing ...

M2M and Wall Street

Mark-to-market, which is part of fair-value accounting, simply means that companies assigning values to assets they hold must value them at current market levels. If something is trading right around $10, it’s given a value of $10, regardless of whether it was bought for $2 or $20. That sounds logical, right? The problem, though, and the reason M2M is getting so many opponents, is that the credit markets are in such a bind now that a lot of securities aren’t selling at all. So, technically, you might have a “market” of $0 for a security. Because of that, there has been a huge movement in recent weeks to repeal, or at least suspend, the mark-to-market accounting standards, which some say are too onerous and have contributed to massive writedowns on banks’ balance sheets. ... M2M opponents got a bit of what they wanted on Tuesday night, when the Securities and Exchange Commission issued an interpretation of Financial Accounting Standard 157, which contains M2M provisions. Just in time fo...

The Gamble is on Obama - do you really want his health care plan? In the latest version of his stump speech on the economy, Barack Obama is today working in a reference to John McCain's fondness for gambling to warn that another Republican administration would be snake eyes for America. "I read the other day that Senator McCain likes to gamble," Obama plans to say, referring to a New York Times story on Sunday about McCain's role in the growth of casinos on Indian reservations. "He likes to roll those dice. And that's OK. I enjoy a little friendly game of poker myself every now and then. "But one thing I know is this – we can't afford to gamble on four more years of the same disastrous economic policies we've had for the last eight," Obama says in remarks prepared for delivery in Westminster, Colo. "I know that when Senator McCain says he wants to bring the same kind of deregulation to our healthcare system that he ...

Government Health Care - is this what the Dems are Promising us?

Dental care elusive Woman’s quest for dentures proves arduous Reservation dental clinics, such as the Thoreau Health and Dental Clinic are often trailers. — © 2008 Gallup Independent / Brian Leddy Gallup Independent By Kevin Killough Staff writer GALLUP — Linda Spenser lives in a small cluster of homes about 10 miles north of Gallup. Her mobile home is dwarfed by a school bus, whose bright yellow paint makes it stand out next to the dull aluminum siding of her home. A rooster crows beneath a trampoline in her front yard as she explains her struggle over the past year to get dentures. “I don’t know what I’m going to do,” she says. Like many people, Spenser can’t afford private dentists, who charge thousands for extraction and dentures. On her meager salary as a school bus driver, Spenser had to get her dental work done through Indian Health Services, which struggles to provide as many services as possible on a limited b...

Bill currently going through the CA Legislature

THE PEOPLE OF THE STATE OF CALIFORNIA DO ENACT AS FOLLOWS: SECTION 1. The Legislature finds and declares the following: (a) The State of California has government-to-government relationships with federally recognized Indian tribes located within the territory of the State of California. These relationships require the state to respect, and to not interfere with, the internal political affairs of these Indian tribes, including disputes concerning an individual's membership in a tribe. (b) The civil-regulatory laws of the State of California generally do not extend to Indian lands located within the State of California. (c) It would serve the public interest, and the interest of some Indian tribes, to authorize the State of California and its political subdivisions to enforce the state's trespass laws on Indian land. for more infor:

Stop Hate Crimes!! Native American shot in fight with White group by Alyson Zepeda - Sept. 29, 2008 06:45 PM The Arizona Republic A Native American man was shot in the leg and two others were injured Sunday after several White males and females wearing "white pride" T-shirts attacked two of the men. A police bias crimes unit was investigating the case. The two men, Native Americans ages 48 and 24, were walking home from a store near 48th Avenue and Thunderbird Road when they were confronted and assaulted by several White men and women about 12:30 a.m. Sunday, Phoenix police said. Relatives of the victims were nearby at a barbecue and heard them yelling for help. Two male relatives, 25 and 27, ran to intervene. The attackers retreated to a nearby house and one of the first victims, angry over the attack, followed to confront them, banging on the front door, authorities said. One of the victi...