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Showing posts from May, 2009

And one other thing!

Who do I send the bill to for tires ruined on US Highway 169 that runs from Tulsa to the Kansas line? It's a beautiful 4 lane highway from Tulsa to Talala and then it converts to this 2 lane narrow 1920s road, *commonly referred to as the Pothole Expressway*. So when is this going to get extended to a 4 lane from Talala to the Kansas line! Let's see some of those gas tax dollars go to work here!!

Black Caucus marginalizes Indians Again

With any luck Pelosi and Reid will soon be gone from their *power* posts in Congress... Again, Ms Watson distorts and gives the public half the information; and to top it all off, she doesn't want Indians to have decent housing! Among those Indians are legitimate Cherokee/Freemen! Congress has already changed that Treaty but she'd rather go along with the Freedmen's threats: don't do what we want or we'll not give you any Federal Funds; so does their violating the treaty justify their distorted views? I think not! CA is about to go bankrupt but Ms Watson, a California Congresswoman, is still worried about whether or not the Cherokee Nation, an Oklahoma Tribe, is Sovereign; no wonder the congressional black caucus doesn't want this heard in the courts, they may have to follow the law! The Cherokee Nation isn't a Private Club, that money comes from Treaty Rights, not some preconceived notion descendants of slaves may feel, they are owed. The US government sign...