With any luck Pelosi and Reid will soon be gone from their *power* posts in Congress... Again, Ms Watson distorts and gives the public half the information; and to top it all off, she doesn't want Indians to have decent housing! Among those Indians are legitimate Cherokee/Freemen! Congress has already changed that Treaty but she'd rather go along with the Freedmen's threats: don't do what we want or we'll not give you any Federal Funds; so does their violating the treaty justify their distorted views? I think not! CA is about to go bankrupt but Ms Watson, a California Congresswoman, is still worried about whether or not the Cherokee Nation, an Oklahoma Tribe, is Sovereign; no wonder the congressional black caucus doesn't want this heard in the courts, they may have to follow the law! The Cherokee Nation isn't a Private Club, that money comes from Treaty Rights, not some preconceived notion descendants of slaves may feel, they are owed. The US government sign...